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Rising Trends Of Organic Food In Dubai

It refers to the procedure of producing food. Organic food is produced without using artificial products and relies entirely on the use of natural products. To certify a product organic, it must be free of synthetic products such as preservatives, fertilisers and colouring, flavouring or sweetening agents.

It is precisely the way food is grown in the past. As the human population increased, increased production of food became a necessity. Reliable research establishes the fact that the use of artificial products such as fertilisers and pesticides in the production of food besides speeding up the process can also create health problems.

Similar to other regions of the world, the organic food industry grew over the years in the UAE, and people became aware of the potential harms of consuming inorganic food.

Thus, over the years, 103 UAE organic farms have achieved certification by the Emirates Authority for standardisation and Metrology (ESMA). Organic food Dubai provides your family with the fresh organic food close to your home.

organic food dubai

Why Are Organic Foods Preferable?

They May Contain More Nutrients:

Researches comparing the nutrient content of both types of foods have established that organic food is likely to contain more nutrients. This may be the result of the natural difference in food production and handling.

Thus food grown by organic manner may be more nutritious and beneficial for your health in the long run.

They May Have More Vitamins And Antioxidants:

Several types of research have pointed out that organic foods usually have more antioxidants and some micronutrients like iron, zinc, and Vitamin C compared to inorganic foods. Antioxidant levels can be sixty-nine per cent higher in organic foods.

Instead of using chemical pesticides organic farming relies on natural mechanisms to protect food plants. They generally produce their protective compounds like antioxidants. This explains the presence of high levels of antioxidants in organic food.

They Generally Have Lower Nitrate Levels:

Food grown organically has also been shown to possess lower nitrate levels. Researchers estimate that nitrate levels are 30% lower compared to inorganically produced food.

Higher levels of nitrates are associated to the elevated risk of certain types of cancer. They can also create a condition called methemoglobinemia in infants which hinders the body’s oxygen carrying capacity.

People in Dubai tend to consume organic food to prevent the risks associated with the elevated levels of nitrates. Thus, organic food Dubai is a potential supplier of healthy and nutritious organic food.

They Are Free Of Pesticides:

Organically produced food is free of artificial pesticides instead this procedure relies on natural pesticides. Accumulation of pesticides in our bodies due to continuous exposure can result in a medical condition known as "body burden". This condition can cause health issues like congenital disabilities, headaches and increased stress on the immune system.

Some researchers have shown that the use of pesticides in food farming even at low levels can increase the potential of certain types of cancers such as lymphoma, leukaemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Children and infants have shown more vulnerability to pesticide-related risks because their bodies are in the developing stage and an early exposure may lead to developmental delays, autism or motor dysfunction.

Pregnant women are also at risk because of the added stress which pesticides put on their already vulnerable bodies. Moreover, pesticides can also pass from mother to newborn in the womb and even through breastfeeding.

Also, the widespread use of pesticides had led to the appearance of super bugs and super weeds which are extremely resistant and can only be killed through the use of toxic chemicals like 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic

Message to Take Home

Organically grown food has higher levels of antioxidants and nutrients compared to inorganic food. Consumption of organic food also reduces one's exposure to chemicals such as hormones and toxic bacteria. With the changing trends in the food industry in UAE, personal preferences for food have changed.

People in Dubai thus prefer organic food consumption because of its benefits over inorganically grown one. Thus, organic food Dubai provides them with the fresh and reasonable food close to their home.

Because it is not only the taste what matters, even the more important thing to consider regarding diet is its nutrition level. Organic food farming provides you with the nutritious food besides protecting from the harmful effects of artificially added products.