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Tips And Tricks For Eating A Healthy And Nutritious Diet!

What are the essential elements of a healthy and nutritious diet? You must be spontaneously answering “vegetables and fruits”. While almost every one of us knows what is good to eat yet, it is difficult to have the daily suggested amount of food, and most of us living in the United Arab Emirates do not have it.

Moreover, we must be concerned about the way our food is grown. Many times we come across heated debates on social and print media that organic farming is the best practice than conventional agriculture as the organic produces are free of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Thus, we the consumers are saved from the harmful effects of artificial chemicals.

Now, let us go back to the essential tips and tricks that we can employ to have a healthy and nutritious diet.

Healthy And Nutritious Diet
Make A Colorful Fruit And Vegetable Salad

It is an indisputable fact that the food which is appealing to see incites our appetite. Thus, we can make a colorful salad by cutting, washing and assembling fresh vegetables.

And to bring a sweet twist, you can add fruit to your vegetable salad.

This will help you eat the recommended portion of fruits and vegetables.

Keep A Bowl Of Fresh Fruit Always On Your Table

Wash the seasonal fruit and set a bowl of it on your office desk or home table. As you work or have a conversation on the phone, you can take some of this excellent food as your snack.

Add Some Fruit In Your Breakfast

You can also supplement some fresh or dried fruits to your diet either in hot or cold cornflakes, pancakes, smoothie etc.

Supplement Your Omelette With Some Veggies

You must be taking an omelette or frittata in your breakfast, Right? You can stuff it with freshly grown organic vegetables Dubai. It will help you take the daily recommended dose of vegetables in your diet.

Add Fresh Salads To Your Meals

You can add a crisp, green and nutritious salad with an everyday meal. It is one of the best ways to introduce veggies to your lunch and dinner. Thus, you can stuff your salads with as many raw vegetables as you like.

Add Vegetables To Dishes Like Noodles Or Spaghetti

While there may be some people, who do not like to eat vegetables. So, there is good news for those creatures. They can supplement their favorite dishes like noodles or spaghetti with finely chopped fresh vegetables like onions or carrots.

The smaller and delicate you chop the vegetables, the less likely you will feel that they are there in the food.

Typing It All Together!

Simply put, a healthy and nutritious diet is the physiological need of every human being. While many of us in the UAE are very concerned about our caloric intake and recommended dietary portions, we are generally ignorant that the right mix of vegetables and fruits is our absolute nutritional requirement.

So, if you want to keep yourself physically healthy and fit, you must go for organic vegetables Dubai that is grown via safe and sound organic farming practices.