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Cherish Nature because you’re a Part of It


With wrong agricultural methods, human beings are turning fertile land into barren deserts. The only possible solution to save from destruction is to go back toward organic farming. Without it, there is no future. The words are referenced from Joggi Vasudev revealing the truth of today’s agriculture.

Brief about Organic Agriculture

A lot has been said about this terminology and extremely detailed has been written to make people awareness. Unfortunately, many individuals still don’t get the conceptual understanding clearly.

Being very concise and simple, the central concept of organic agriculture is based on the management of ecosystem. The system brings into consideration the potential impact of environment and social factors to produce synthetic produce.

It is not a method of agriculture but actually, a holistic system of agriculture management which encourages biological activities and biodiversity. The major emphasis is on organic farming by utilizing the lands in UAE to get yields from agricultural lands.

The preference is given to service driven agricultural methods used for organic production. However, there are various methods available to offer facilities regarding farmer driven methods of harvests.

Economic Benefits and Cost Associated with Organic Agriculture

The slogan of organic products is enchanting everywhere. However, the production process is not as easier as it seems. An average duration required for one organic product to be labeled organic requires approximately three years of continuous harvest.

The mechanism is that farmers have to harvest natural produce three to four consecutive times and after then they will be able to sell their products as organic food items.

Obviously, it requires takes time, money and patience which are not possessed by everyone.

However, in many countries farmers are given adequate funds and subsidies are granted to encourage them in organic agriculture. The glaring examples are the schemes started by EU and USA collectively.

Not only this, African and Middle Eastern states are also taking precautionary measures to eliminate the risks of conventional products. Therefore, individuals associated with agriculture are given due resources to promote organic farming in UAE.


Is organic Produce enough to Meet Rood Requirements?

The foremost crucial question that has caused food insecurities in the minds of many is that organic food can cater the requirements of all people around the world.


First of all, it is imperative to note that food security is not just related to unavailability of food product but also lack of accessibility.


It has been notified multiple times with the help of research and surveys that global production of food is enough to meet the food requirements of people across the world. However, the people are facing problems in the accessibility of food.


However, the major reason of the issue of accessibility is marginalized markets and disparity of resources.


Therefore, it is possible to meet the food requirements of world population by organic farming. The farmers have to rely on local and internal resources rather looking for external input. In this way, a variety of products including grains, fruits, vegetables and livestock can be produced for a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Organic Agriculture on Environment

Environmental sustainability largely based on the organic agriculture. It is considered beneficial on the medium as well as long run.

Soil is the building block of both the agriculture and the environment. Therefore, soil must maintain biodiversity and a balanced in mineral resources. It is the only key to survive in the wake of utter pollution.

The use of artificial fertilizers and other substances make the soil polluted and barren. So, organic farming helps to eliminated pollution from the soil with the help of improving formation and structure of the soil.

Water is another element which makes the environment suitable for human beings to live. Conventional agricultural practices impact the water adversely. It is owing to the fact that poisons extracted from fertilizers and insect sprays get into the water making it contaminated.

Summary: What Does Mean To Cherish Nature

Human beings depend upon nature. It is the home of survival. However, human beings have ignored its importance since ages running towards industrialization and technological advances.

Don’t forget, without nature, no chance of human existence on the planet Earth. So, accept this fact and admit the importance of cherishing nature to live a cherished life.